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What can you say about a teenager?


Lance is happy about adopting a child. He wasn't too thrilled about it having to be another girl - but then again it sure beat him having to share a room!

He's concerned that we have upset the boys against girl balance - they are going to be out numbered now!

The minivan is not very appealing. (Like mom isn't right there with you kid.)

Lance has agreed to take the smaller bedroom. This shows a great heart (in his "not the least bit prejudiced" mom's mind).

So what is Lance up to these days???

Well, its highschool. Where did the time go? He got off to a little bit of a rocky start with grades, but he got serious and busted tail to bring them up. Impressive considering the time frame he had to do it in. Hopefully he is settled in now.

Lance played flag football for the church team this year. He even made a touch down or2 or3 or 4. (I know I'm a bad mom for not knowing the particulars).

Lance is still in Boy Scouts and progressing in rank. I'm glad he still likes it because it gives him a group of guys to go do things with when his dad is gone.

In less than 2 years he will be driving.

He is much taller than his mom now. We blinked and he outgrew everything. I was having to buy new shoes once a month for a while there as he was outgrowing them so fast. Thats about 4-8 wears on a pair of church shoes. Ouch.

Lance is gearing up to go to Boyscout Spring Camporee this weekend.Soon they start "training" for their High Adventure Boundary Waters Trip. Lance's grandmother is sending him to this camping trip this year so he will be going to 2 Boyscout camps this summer, a trip to Texas, & a trip to Colorado with his Aunt! Busy summer planned. He will babysit his sister for me when he is around. His summer is going to fly by!

Lance survived his week at Boundry Waters. He came back all tan too. He had a great time - thanks Grandma!

Next is Colorado at the end of the month, Texas the beginning of July, and Boy Scout camp the end of July.


Lances summer hasn't ended yet. He is at church camp this week. An unexpected check in the mail from the dealership funded his trip. He missed an awful lot of church this summer so I'm sure this is good for him. Plus he starts school next Monday so this keeps him from moping around this last week! Had to scramble to find someone to watch Cierra for me while I worked, but even that fell together really quickly and easily.

Lances comment about having a van: I can't believe I didn't want one of these. This is great!

Lance enjoyed his week in Colorado. They got to go camping out there also. He also had a good time in Texas. He missed seeing Drew but was able to see a movie with cousin Rachel one night. He also got to go fishing a couple of times with Poppy and even caught a really big fish. I understand Poppy even has the pictures to prove their latest fish story.

Lance had a blast at Boy Scout Camp - as usual. He wants to be a counselor out there all summer next year. I think that would be fun for him - and he gets paid if I remember correctly.

Drivers Ed is just around the corner. Be very afraid.....
Lance is playing flag football on the church's school team again.  He's having a good time with it.  He has to go to Fremont for 2 games this weekend.
Its been good that Dion has been home since the start of football as Cierra has chior at the same time usually.  It's going to get interesting on his next deployment! 

Lance has really grown! He is now taller than his father and looks very much like a young man.  Where does the time go?
Lance is still in scouts and goes camping off and on depending on the weather.  I'm sure there will be summer camp to attend this summer also.
Lance is back at home being homeschooled again.  He started in March and has been doing 2 days work at a time.  We are currently search of volunteer oportunities for him that keep him in the outdoors.  We have contacted a few of the state parks and are working on that. 
Lance will turn 16 next month.  This is hard to believe! 
Lance is now 16.  We went and picked up his booklet to study to get his learners permit.  I guess we had better check on getting him into a drivers ed class for insurance purposes. 
Looks like its been a year since I updated on the big kids too!
Lance is a very busy young man.  He works for a catering company here in town and also at an Arby's just around the corner.  The catering company gets slow from January to June so that's why he has the 2 jobs. He didnt like handing all his money over to me for his car insurance!
Lance started driving last September.  He's only had one fender bender so far. The good news is that he hit The Ramcharger, which did nothing more than rock it on its springs. His car on the other hand needed a new grill, hood and lights. It was an expensive lesson for him -- but for a first accident we were relieved as we didnt even have to call the insurance company! Lance is driving the car that he threw up in when it was brand new and he was about 5 years old -- Poppy's old Pontiac! I find great humor in this fact!
Lance is currently finishing up 11th grade. I cant believe he will be a senior in the fall. Time does fly!
This summer Lance has a trip out to Boundary WAters with Boy Scouts again. He really likes this trip.  Also, we have a trip to Florida planned in July.  Other than that, he will be working his 2 jobs and hanging out with friends if he has time.