Received an email from Nancy today; our paperwork has been sent to China! We are finally DTC!
will notify us of our LID (Log in Date). This is the date we are officially registered in China. It will probably be awhile
before we have this info.
It appears that our time line is still referral January & travel March.
begins the wait.
This past weekend we went to the Heartland FCC (Families with Children from China)
picnic at Mahoney State Park. Didn't see any of the people that I met at the last gathering, but met some new people.
We were given travel tips & heard about sights people went to. It was a good time. Cierra found a girl about
her age to play with. The older children in the group are 9-10. And you should have seen all the boys! (Most boys come off
of the waiting children/special needs lists).
Spent Memorial Day Weekend in Illinois for Dave & Emily's 45th Wedding Anniversary Celebration.
We had a fantastic time & got to see relatives we hadn't seen in years, & meet a few I had never met. So
glad we were able to make this trip. Aunt Liz & Ann passed on a couple of quilt blocks made by "Aunt Nellie" that
are approximatly 60 years old (for the 100 wishes quilt).
We had an update email from Nancy at ALWW last week. She spoke with Kathleen; they haven't heard from China for
our official log in date, but she still fully expects it to be a May date. So, we are still just waiting to hear when
we became "official".
I'm done with my photography class. Haven't been working much on the scrapbooks like I'd planned - need to
get serious on that.
The fabric for the 100 good wishes quilts is starting to come in. Wow! There are some really neat patterns out
there. I've sent mom 1 package already & will be sending another next week. I found a bunch of stuff
on-line at equilter.com & some other sites - we don't have much of a selection in our area. If anyone else is having
trouble, try the internet, or go with ladybugs! And remember, if you don't want to send fabric, please at least send
a written wish! That's the most important!
Next project on the horizon is switching & painting the kids rooms the last week of this month. Hopefully Dion
won't get sent out & leave me to do it alone.
News for the Texas bunch: It appears that we will bring the kids to Texas for a week in July. I have
been given permisison by work to take the time off (although I really shouldn't). Hopefully Dion will be here also.
Referrals are pouring in this week for the people who sent thier paperwork to China last year in Oct. & most
of Nov. It's very exciting to see all the announcements. There are many young babies this time - I saw 2
with Nov. birthdates & many with Oct.
Big rumor is that the wait is coming down to 6 months & our May group will have Dec. referrals. It's just rumor
- I'm not sure I'm ready for it to go so fast. We still have alot to do. I'd better make a list &
get busy!
SHOCK! December referrals are rolling in!!!! That means they only waited 6 months. We are now 5 cycles away
from having referrals! Does that mean they will do 1 referral month each month & give us November referral with
a possible December travel date? What if they keep doing a month & a half? OK - I'm about to have a panic
attack. So much for March!!! All bets are off - no telling when our date is going to be - it really doesnt look
like March!
Men plan......God laughs.
Lance & Cierra are off to Colorado with thier Aunt. Cierra will get to go to the Focus on The Family place &
Lance is going to have a tour of the Air Force Academy. We will pick them up next Friday from Kansas City, then continue to
Texas for a week.
The kids rooms are almost done. Lance's new room is finished - just have to finish putting it all back together.
We just finished painting Cierra's new room - her stuff if still all over the house. We can't sit down anywhere.
But, that is one more thing done.
Just returned from a week in Texas. We had a great time & kept busy. There were a couple of
people that we didn't get to spend some one-on-one time with due to lack of time. It's rather hard to plan with so many
people to see.
Cierra got to go out & ride grandma's horse. We also got to spend a day at NRH20 (a waterpark).
Andy was able to come to dinner with us at my parents. We were able to spend an evening at Nate & Andrea's (Riley
is the most beautiful 5 month old on the planet, hands down). Kimberly McDonald and 2 of the kids came up from Louisiana
and we were able to spend a few hours with them (they brought us some baby stuff that Emi no longer needs). Denny
& his family were able to come up & we got to spend an evening with them. Lance got to go fishing with his grandfather
2 times - & caught a really big fish (dad has pictures to prove it). We also got to see my Uncle George &
his family for the first time in years. It was a great trip. Wish we had been able to see more of Sara though.
The quilt is coming along beautifully! Mom & I worked out the pattern & colors for the sashings.
Now we will wait until the end of the month until beginning on it - there are still a few fabrics that haven't come in
yet. There was a stack waiting for me when I returned last night.
No new news on the adoption front. Still waiting to hear our official log in date. Did have an email telling
us to watch for a letter from the Consulate in China - the infamous "brown envelope". otherwise, all
is quiet.
The infamous brown envelope arrived today. Now we have our paperwork for the American Embassy in China. That's
all it is. Now we wait some more!
Went to Kansas City this weekend to pick up the rest of Lance & Cierrra's luggage. It wouldn't all
fit in the Saturn. Then, we found the deal we were looking for & ended up driving home in a 2005 Town and Country
minivan. One more step towards fitting another kid! Ok - I admit - I'm not thrilled to be driving a minivan.
I loved my Saturn. But the advantages are clear & the deed is done!
Got a call on the cell while we were in KC that Dion is leaving.
When we returned home we found a letter from our adoption agency. Nebraska has a new law that requires us to have
fingerprints run through the state patrol. It goes through the exact same FBI steps as INS, so we have the privledge
of paying for the exact same thing again. Hey, the state wants its slice of the pie also - and this is good for a quick
$100. Oh - and we have to have all this done by Sept. 1 - and Dion leaves tomorrow.
Now the fun part - none of the law agencies knows what we are talking about. Don't know how many cards we need,
what to do with them - nothing. I think I'm getting an ulcer.
Dion found a Douglas Co. Sherriff's office that was open & would do prints for him even though it wasn't the listed
time (pulled the deployment card). We got prints done - she did 3 each since we had no clue how many we actaully needed.
What was really great was she didn't charge us for them since Dion is AF and being sent out - saved us about $50.
So, now I have the cards & just have to find out where to send them, with what type of cover letter &
who to make the check out to. At least we got the prints.
Spoke with Cheryl at ALWW (Nancy is on vacation during the fall-out with the new law - lucky!). We need 2 cards
so we are covered.
This Friday our agency is having a picnic. The couple we will be traveling with is coming down so I will get
to meet them. Dion will be gone -of course. It will just be me & Cierra since Lance is away at Boy Scout camp.
Busy, longgggg day. This was the last day of Cierra's horse camp so I went out to the stables for the horse show.
It worked out great because it was close to where the ALWW picnic was.
Went to the picnic & had a good time. Met another military couple from here that is still in the paperwork
phase. Also met the couple we will be traveling with. It was a nice evening.
NOW....today referrals came out. The people who sent their paperwork to China January 2004 AND February 2004
have their referrals!!!! That puts us 3 cycles out! So, if March comes in Sept, April comes in Oct., then May comes
in Nov! If they don't skip any months between now and then we will have our referral packet in November with our baby's
picture. Wow! That is fast. We really might be stuck travling in December after all. That would be
wild. I'm not ready!
Been a busy week again! Have been getting lots of packages in the mail full of fabric. I have a big stack
to take to Texas. Going to the mailbox has been like Christmas morning this week.
We had dinner with the other military couple adopting from China today. Robin was going to stop by & pick
up our fingerprint cards to hand delivery them to Lincoln for us. Her plans changed & she didn't make
it out to this side of town so she called & we all got together for dinner instead. So the prints &
fees have been handed over for hand delivery to the Nebraska State Patrol tomorrow. I was afraid to put them in the
mail in case they got lost - we have a deadline & with Dion being gone I just knew it would happen. I had hoped
to join her on the drive but our schedules just didn't work out.
Got our update from the agency. Nancy is sending us update email every month or so to let us know what is
going on & to answer the million questions we ask her. It's great to get these as they really are informative.
We now know that we will have to use a courier service to get our visa's when the time comes. Makes me feel
a little better as I have a problem with mailing my passport to a consulate in Washington that close to travel.
No real news on the adoption front. We are still just waiting. Some people have gotten requests for more
information from China - which means the May people are at least in the Reveiw Room in China. After the reveiw room
is the matching room.
Have been getting more things ready for the baby. Buying the little things like the seat protector for under the
car seat & little stuff like that. There are alot of days that it still just doesn't feel very real.
Spoke with Dion a few times. He is doing well - no news on coming home any time soon.
Lance returned from Church Camp. Both kids start school in 2 days. The summer is already gone.
Thankfully it went very quickly - no time to lay around & let the wait drag. Hopefully the rest of the
wait will be as busy & it will just sneak up on us.
Ran into a killer deal on a new crib & changing table (not actually new - the baby co-sleeps with
mom & dad and wont use the crib). I went ahead & got them since I won't a find better deal.
I had planned on waiting until we got our referral to see how old the baby will be - but couldn't pass it up.
Been playing handy man. Had to put the crib together, fix the downstairs toilet and buy a new vacuum cleaner today.
Whats next??? Feels like I will be on a first name basis with the people at Ace Hardware before the end of the week!
There's never a man around when you need one! Hah!
Another good day in baby prep. Found a big rocking chair for free. It is very nice & in wonderful
condition. One more thing off the list!
Picked up a crib mattress today on sale. Also, picked up a bunch of crib sheets & a brand new bedding
set still in the package (with a ladybug on it) for free! It been a week of really good fortune for us!
Had an email from our agency today. Kathleen has been notified of our LID (log in date) - unfortunately she forgot
to mention to us what it actually is!
They are also putting together a group of families adopting from China at our agency - I guess there are 7 or 8 families
currently going through the process. This would be very nice - it would be a once a month kind of get together.
Will be heading to Texas Labor Day weekend to work on the 100 Good Wishes Quilt. Anyone that still wants to send
fabric has about a week left to get it to me or mom.
Kids are back in school. Cierra starts the city chior in September. And the days just keep rolling on by.....
Finished the last of my travel shots today. That Hep B shots really burns! Got a shot in each arm so I'm
sore today! The things we do for our kids.....
Referrals are rolling in this week. This month it is the people who sent their paperwork to China in
March. I think they are down to just sending one month at a time now. That means October would be the April people
and NOvember will be us. Really looks good for December travel I'm afraid.
Had a wonderful holiday weekend trip to Texas. We got the quilt top almost all together & figured out
the backing fabric. We had enough fabric that we are making a second quilt that the baby can carry around as a blankie
plus a couple of extra little blankets. The quilt is going to be stunning when it is done. I dont think either
mom or I had any idea it was going to be so great since we made up the pattern. It will be amazing. I will post
a picture when it is all done.
Dion has returned! He made it home for his birthday. We went out to Back to Ghuangzhou to celebrate - took
the kids with us this time so they could try authentic Chinese food. They loved it.
Cierra has started singing with the Nebraska Choral Arts Society - that is really keeping us hopping. Also, the
new year has started for Junior Scouts so that keeps us pretty busy also. We are getting ready to add a couple of girls
since we lost 3 when the older girls left Brownies to become Juniors.
Speaking of scouts - it is calendar sale time. If anyone wants a wall (2.50) or a purse (2.00) calendar please
let Cierra know. I'm not big on fund raisers so you probably wont get a call. Also, she is selling the entertainment
coupon books (20.00) for Chior - can get them for whatever area you live in. Again, just let me know if you are interested
- we aren't calling and bugging people.
Lance now has a laptop computer for school (mandatory progrom through his school - do NOT get me started on this one).
Made him pay for the insurance and be responsible for the 30% if he damages it - that was the only way we would sign the papers.
Hope it doesnt turn into a $300 lesson for him.
And the days tick by. I feel fortunate to be one of the ones that is too busy to "wait" for the baby. There
are many people who spend the days very sad and longing for their baby - its like time is suspended for them. I really
feel for them - but life is keeping me too busy to join them.
At this point it appears that we will get our referral packet in early Nov. and travel late December, early January.
This is just a guess. Time will tell. It's hard to believe that this month is already half over and we should
be seeing the next set of referrals in another 2 weeks or so.
Today we went to the FCC fall picnic. The youngest child we saw was just brought last month (September).
She was pretty upset and not looking like she was very comfortable around so many people (but it was also nap time so that
didnt help).
Spent time with Robin & Len (the other military couple going through the process). They are finally DTC September.
We are waiting to see the April referrals come out next week - that's the rumor anyways. Once those are in we are
about one month from getting our own referral. It's starting to get close!
I've spent the weekend "nesting" so to speak. Arranged a little room downstairs for the baby to sleep so as not
to keep the other two awake while she adjusts to a whole new time zone, etc.
I think we are down to just needing a car seat to be really ready. It all is falling together rather nicely!
Forgot to mention that we had our yearly financial advisor appointment last Friday. We went ahead and did the paperwork
for a loan. Now, when we need it, all we have to do is call and it's handled - one less hassel for when we are
notified! It is all coming together!
April referrals are hitting the boards. Only April was sent this month. We are officially on deck for being
next! We should get our referral in November, with travel in December or January.
We should have some other news to share very soon also. As soon as its official and a done deal, we'll share!
I can't believe we are next! What happened to referral in January????
Today we actually got our official Log In Date. Our paperwork was sent May 17, and our LID is May 25th.
Tonight we met a couple and a single lady that are DTC May also, at the Dragon Cafe. I "met" them online on
our May DTC Yahoo group and set up a dinner where we could all meet. The couple lives very close to us and has older
children also. They are retired military and have 2 older daughters and an older son - they also have a 2 year old from
China and are going back for a little sister.
I really enjoyed meeting all of them and had a really nice dinner. It's so great to get to know people that will
be bringing their children home around the same time. I'm hoping we will be seeing them for "play dates" after
we all get back and settle into life.
Afterwards Dion and I snuck out for an ice cream at Dairy Queen - dont tell the kids!
Our agency has been touching base pretty regularly lately as we are getting close. Nancy is starting to gather
travel info for us. We did get an email from Kathleen (our China co-ordinator from San Francisco) that she is starting
jury duty - until November 8th. It caused me a "No Way!" reaction. So maybe it would be a good idea if referrals
dont come in until after she's back in the office full time. LOL! This has definatley been an interesting journey.
We are next. November is just a week away. And the million dollar question is: When will the referrals get
Today was a sad day. But I guess I have to back up a little to explain.
Dion applied for a new job that would keep him home most of the time. He had to apply even though it is Air
Force. It was with a detachment from Eglin (FL) that he has worked for before. He was accepted by Eglin and the
paperwork made it all the way to his commanders desk for a release signature.
At the same time this is happening, Dion's platform was transfered to another squadron so they are doing all the
paperwork for this and transfereing all their stuff to another work building.
So, the commander gets the paperwork - and Dion gets stomped on. Not only will they not release him to a new
job - they wont even let him move with his platform to the new squadron. Dion is stuck on another platform.
What does this mean? Basically, it means 3 months in the desert, 3 months home, 3 months in the desert..... get
the picture? Went from being really excited to unbelievably unhappy in the blink of an eye. Gotta love the Air
Force. Not.
So, on that note, I threw in the towel. I can't handle 3 months at a time by myself with 3 kids and a job.
So today I handed in my notice at work. After we return from China I will not be returning to my day job as I knew it.
This was very, very upseting for me as I really love working for my boss and I love my co-workers. I really hope
to either be able to keep doing some work for him at home, or return to work for him if things ever settle down and we
have a normal family life. I can dream, can't I?
Rumors from Spain are that referrals were either mailed Friday or Monday (yesterday their time). So, some
time this week we should get our referral and be starting on a whole new page! Step 4: Referral will be added at that
time! It's going to be a long week!
The call came today! New page: Step 4: Referral!